Nice piece, Birgitte. Our situation really is boiling down to the right to breathe among others that should be universal rights for both people and the amazing life on the planet which gives it beauty and sustains us.
Very true Geoff... Breath is one of those things that connects all living things, in one way or another, and we take it so much for granted... until it's taken away from us.
read it with one breath. Excellent, brilliant, full of emotions....thank you for this brilliancy and crystal mind creating this diamond of writing.
Brilliant! And so very sad.
Thanks for posting, Birgitte!
Nice piece, Birgitte. Our situation really is boiling down to the right to breathe among others that should be universal rights for both people and the amazing life on the planet which gives it beauty and sustains us.
Very true Geoff... Breath is one of those things that connects all living things, in one way or another, and we take it so much for granted... until it's taken away from us.
Yes, in breath out breath, the most immediate reality check of universal connection. Precious beyond words
"beyond words" indeed! much more than most of us realize