The most important thing to do as a UK constituent is lobby your MP. They're the ones who vote on the legislation, can request clauses to be added, and may have a Committee role when it comes to the required Public Bill Readings, where a group of at least 16 nominated MPs and Ministers work through the legislation line-by-line. Note that the current Government has a majority on Bill Committees. There is partisanship built into the system. The process is made visible and transparent here: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/pbc/

But what isn't visible is the influential industry lobbying that will propose ("for") or prevent ("against") key clauses which impact their business or influence in the proposed legislation. It's this which will mostly swing which way things go. (You can safely assume on this subject the majority of the public will not give a damn as long as the price of books, streaming and cinema tickets don't increase).

The legislative direction also depends on the current Government's stance on the topic and if MPs are guided by the party Whips on how they should vote or if (very rarely) it's a 'free' vote. The three Ministries you mention will be key to this, but also note their interests don't necessarily overlap or may even clash. It is also likely that an MP might agree with what their constituents say, even signing up to the lobby petitions, but then votes the other way when it comes down to the wire. No, really.

The consultation options have been made simple, but the actual legislation will be like the original Copyright Act, with every clause reflecting (or not) one or more parts to the outlined options. It won't be a clear cut relationship to the consultation information. The horse-trading will be immense.

At present, I'm reminded of EU/UK Data Protection legislation - looks wonderful on paper, easily ignored by anyone outside of Europe.

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Thanks. I smell Peter Thiel’s Palantir fingermarks all over this. I suspect this is the opening gambit of a game to expidite corporate ownership of the copyright of human DNA. Such legal ownership could enable Thiel & Friends to own and therein control every other human being on earth. Thiel is a longterm billionaire business partner and friend of Tony Blair’s mate, now UK Ambassador to the US, Lord Peter Mandelson, as well as a member of the MAGA Trump/Musk Broligarchy. Blair’s son Leo owns an AI company. Jobs for The Boys is written all over this move. Thiel’s company Palantir has already been gifted ownership of England’s NHS medical records.

The UK has long since ceased to be a state that respects rule of law whether it be national or international, unless it favours criminal oligarchs and the obscenely wealthy ruling class. I presently live in Northern Ireland and my experiences on the ground here of the UK state where personal or political profiteering is concerned, over three decades, would suggest that this fight will be, at the very least, an intergenerational one.

European Powell’s work here on substack on how Great Britain is now, post hard Brexit, turning into a de facto a corporate owned feudal fiefdom, gives context as to why this law is being easily enacted at Westminster.

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