Aug 19Liked by Birgitte Rasine

I wonder what is the link I could use to share this article and introduction to the survey with? I would like to share it with your people.

My daughter died by suicide almost two years ago, and going to many suicide loss groups I've gotten to hear many stories about how the young people that are dying are more creatives and compassionate folx than anything else, and I've already seen my daughter, and heard from her artist friends about how much they feel overwhelmed and depressed about not being able to make a living as an artist, even though they are incredibly talented and hard working! Creative young people becoming suicidal, chronically ill or turning to drugs for some relief and then accidentally OD, based in large part in seeing the AI takeover happening before their young eyes, and that causing a lack of hope in their ability to have a survivable future is something that isn't being talked about enough! So thank you for this survey! I need more people to have conversations about this with and am creating a group on a private platform for this, where AI won't be scanning our conversation, and if anyone is interested in joining the conversation, please send me a pm and I'll send you a link.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 24Author

Brooke, my heart almost stopped when I read the part about your daughter. I've known people who've taken their own lives... it is so so unspeakably tragic. What you share about creatives losing hope and going through existential grief is all too true, and only exacerbated by the callous (if not always intentionally so) comments and reactions from non creatives.

Part of this effort is not just to gather data but to tell the stories of some of these creatives, so yes please share far and wide, and especially, ESPECIALLY with young creatives. You can share the link for this post>> https://themuse.substack.com/p/creatives-on-ai-survey

or the link to the survey directly, which is https://bit.ly/3WRWLgH

Thank you so much and please tell all the young creatives they are not alone, very much loved and supported and NEEDED.

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Thank you for the links, unfortunately this app doesn't let me copy them. Do you have a website that has links I could copy and paste?

I did tell my daughter, and her friends that they are not alone and very much loved and supported and needed, and yet my daughter is dead now and so Her Spirit tells me that and encourages me to stay alive and write our stories and do all I can to stay safe and find the support I need to create a Sanctuary

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Hmm you mean the Substack app? If you're able to log on via a desktop or laptop, you'll be able to copy them. Not sure what system you're on but usually right-clicking will bring up the option to copy the link.

You have extraordinary strength to be able to go on and honor your daughter's Spirit. In that sense you have two to live for, ever stronger, in this lifetime. Blessings to you Brooke. 🙏🏽

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Aug 24Liked by Birgitte Rasine

Yes I'm using the Sub stack app on my phone and it doesn't let me copy or paste anything. I'll do my best to remember to copy and paste them to my daughters friends and the young people coming into my life recently, when I get on my laptop

Thank you very much for acknowledging the extraordinary strength it has taken me to be able to keep going! Blessings to you as well Birgitte 🙏🏼💞🌈🦋

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Aug 19Liked by Birgitte Rasine

The first sentence was meant to say young people, not your people. Thank you for doing this survey !

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A brilliant initiative which I'll be writing about!

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Sep 8Liked by Birgitte Rasine

Hi Birgitte,

Curious, wondering.... Does Substack have any protections for your writing IP on this platform? (AI crawler blockers).

If not, do you use any protections for your IP on this platform, or are you aware of any work in progress to create such a thing?

Thank you! I figured if anyone knows it would be you ! 🦜🦜🦜

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Lenore apologies for the delay, it has been a busy few weeks. Unfortunately protection for text is next to non existent. It's technically more difficult than images. Sure, one could use crawler blockers but that depends on whether you control the platform (we here on Substack do not) and whether the creepy crawlies actually respect the commands. Which, as far as I understand it, does not always happen.

It's the Scylla and Charybdis of old... do you put your work out there to be discovered and potentially scraped or do you withhold it from mass-scale public view?

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Aug 21Liked by Birgitte Rasine

I look forward to your results 🙂

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Aug 19Liked by Birgitte Rasine

Thank you for this work Birgitte! Very important!

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I’m hearing from a lot of creators (professional and hobbyist) about related questions in my “AI, Software, & Wetware” interview series. What types of roles do you consider ‘creatives’ to encompass, for purposes of this survey?

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Author

Karen, on the first page of the survey is a list of the creative types—there is also "Other" they can fill in. Having said that, it's not excessively broad, either. Anyone can argue that all humans are creative in one way or another—so it has to be a creative professional, meaning someone who derives at least some part of their living from a creative profession. If the person is currently unemployed, we still (especially) want to hear from them.

In terms of creative professions... it should be either:

1/ visual (as in 2D or 3D, still or motion, print or electronic, etc)

2/ written (books, essays, scripts, blogs, poems, etc)

3/ audio (songs, soundtracks, videos, etc)

4/ performing arts (acting, dance, etc)

So for example an architect would go under #1, since the blueprints and the buildings are visual/2D and 3D.

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Birgitte, is a former cybersecurity exec now working on his craft (but not for pay) eligible for your survey? I have some experience using gen-AI to produce a marketing newsletter

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Tom, hope you've been well! Any active writer, whether here on Substack or other platforms, is eligible to take part in the survey. :)

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Since I feel like the 'be careful' comment was pulled from my feedback, here's what I said in full context. To be clear you=the survey creators because this was in response to a LinkedIn post. You, Birgette et. al., need to be careful because you aren't going to get the answer you are looking for, not the truth... This isn't designed in a way that's actually going to really help creatives since it's too easy to dismiss as poor research.. My goal is to get good research because I think the topic matters.

"I took the survey and you have to be very careful because it wasn't designed well. It's very biased without a consistent likert scale. If this was for research it wouldn't pass academic certification.

Basically, you are going to get the answer you are looking for, not the truth. Worse, because of that, even if the truth is the answer you find, it will be discredited because the survey is poorly written."

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Thank you for raising your hand on this. There was an initial comment left in the survey itself, which is private and I won't quote it here without your permission, but I should note the tone used therein was not very respectful. It's one thing to offer criticism, quite another to make assumptions about a project and invalidate the opinions and statements of others—who, as you've seen on the LI post, have expressed their thanks for asking these questions.

I think it's rather presumptuous to say that we're looking for a specific answer. That is an opinion, a perception that might stem from a different perspective on the genAI debate.

p.s. My name is spelled Birgitte

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