That was wonderful. This line--“We’re trying to figure ourselves out, and we get too carried away with shiny new tech toys.”--pretty much sums up my experience working in cybersecurity and part of my motivation for creating a Substack as well.
That was wonderful. This line--“We’re trying to figure ourselves out, and we get too carried away with shiny new tech toys.”--pretty much sums up my experience working in cybersecurity and part of my motivation for creating a Substack as well.
Thank you Tom ❤️ Ohhh you worked in cybersecurity—say no more! I've done a few jobs in that space as well. Substack is like post-tech therapy isn't it ...
That was wonderful. This line--“We’re trying to figure ourselves out, and we get too carried away with shiny new tech toys.”--pretty much sums up my experience working in cybersecurity and part of my motivation for creating a Substack as well.
Thank you Tom ❤️ Ohhh you worked in cybersecurity—say no more! I've done a few jobs in that space as well. Substack is like post-tech therapy isn't it ...
Definitely, and so much less bullshit!