Some fundamental questions to ask : How does data become Information..?? How does information become knowledge..?? How does knowledge become .. wisdom..?? I stumbled on to these in a course in Creative Teaching. This is Yang stuff.. and I come with the Yin.. only when both combine, we can have understanding and meaning.

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I'd say "data" is the last player in this relay—it's the result of the commodification and sterilization of our observations, insights into, and experiences of the world and our society. The very first thing we acquire when we're born are perceptions and experiences, which are then shaped into information, insights, communication. Wisdom is the embodied form of knowing and respecting our world and each other.

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Space-Time-Being determine our consciousness in a fundamental way. When I migrated to Canada in 2006, I stumbled into the 13 Moon calendar of Jose Arguelles. What is Time..?? Our civilisation has not even started in the kindergarten of this reality of our lives.. bcoz the a** h***** of the Vatican have usurped the perception of linear time fixed on the false birthday of a very evolved human being who settled in Kashmir after having a near death experience. My two cents to anyone from the Western world..?? Drop EVERYTHING and come to India for 90 Days. You will return with hope and a re-connected spirit. Otherwise, God (if He exists) help you..!!

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Brilliant post, Birgitte. I wrote about Swift's 'computer' myself: https://terryfreedman.substack.com/p/oulipian-omnibus-1 see the section containing the review of The Oulipo and Modern Thought. Such a hoot! Looking forward to part 2.

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Crazy small world Terry! Writers like Swift are so much more impressive given the era he lived in, and the complete lack of connectivity he had to work with. How I wish I could have been a fly on those walls back then... then again maybe not lol.

Will come visit your post soon :)

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Indeed. I was thinking only yesterday, as I walking past a house where Ada Lovelace once lived, I'd have loved to have met her. What a mind, so far ahead of her time. Imagine what a conversation the three 9f uscouldhave had with her in the nearby Waterstones cafe! #borntoolate

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Have to add Hypatia to that coffee... hey perhaps a future AI can bring them both back

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That section by Swift is known to Oulipians as anticipatory plagiarism 😂

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LOL that makes a veritable literary Möbius strip...

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I hadn't thought of it that way before but you are right!

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